USA (MNN) — The Great Commission is not just for extroverts.
USA (MNN) — The majority of American parents are concerned about their kids’ spirituality.
Afghanistan (MNN) — The aftershock disturbed already-traumatized communities.
International (MNN) — Making Jesus Christ known worldwide takes an audacious vision.
India (MNN) — Mission India is empowering women like Naveen to spread the Gospel!
International (MNN) — Millennials disagree on the role of evangelism in the Christian faith.
North America (MNN) — Your church can partner with e3’s Made to Multiply initiative.
USA (MNN/CEF) — CEF has a surprising response to growth of Satan clubs.
India (MNN) — Your prayers for the persecuted Church make a difference.
India (MNN) — The stakes are high for proclaiming Christ in India, even as a child.