Middle East (MNN) — Refugees’ spiritual needs addressed amid wider crisis developments.
Middle East (MNN) — Refugees’ spiritual needs addressed amid wider crisis developments.
Africa (MNN/FCBH) — El NiƱo casts shadow of drought, famine over Africa.
International (MNN) — Scripture now available for more than 6 billion people.
International (MNN) — Big accomplishments pave the way for bigger goals.
International (MNN) — Military BibleStick helps with the speed of life.
Panama (FCBH/MNN) — After more than four decades of work, audio Bible is complete.
Kenya (MNN) — Wycliffe creates a solution to satisfy hunger for God’s Word.
International (MNN) — Accelerating sign language Bible translations.
International (MNN) — Audio Scriptures provide a new, simpler way of seeking God’s Word.