Middle East (MNN) — MENA Leadership Center prepares believers for long-term response.
Middle East/North Africa (MNN) — Western approach doesn’t work for MENA leaders.
Syria (MNN) — MENA Leadership Center offers mental health aid after devastating earthquakes.
Pakistan (MNN) — Christian leaders seek religious freedom training.
Sudan (MNN) — Electricity is sporadic, some people don’t have water, and nearly everyone is out of food.
Syria (MNN) — Syria’s president may be regaining political clout in the Arab world, but it’s not changing much for millions in need today.
Syria (MNN) — On Friday, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad made his first appearance at the Arab League Summit in 12 years.
Sudan (MNN) — Nearly a million people have been uprooted since mid-April.
Sudan (MNN) — Neighboring countries and international bodies push for peace.
Middle East/North Africa (MNN) — Refugee volunteers seem like a simple solution to meet increasing demand.