Pakistan (MNN) — Muslim extremists making threats against other Pakistani Christians
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Pakistan (MNN) — Muslim extremists making threats against other Pakistani Christians
Kenya (MNN) — Despite attack, Crossroads team not dissuaded from ministry
India (MNN) — 2017 “one of the most traumatic” years for Indian Christians
Philippines (MNN) — Increase in terrorist activity poses dire forebodings
USA (MNN) — About half of non-religious U.S. adults view Christianity as extremist
International (MNN) — Somalia, Egypt, Mali, Bangladesh: rising extremist persecution
Lebanon (MNN) — Fertile ground for radicalization now planted with the Gospel
India (MNN) — Extremists run Christians out of their village; police do nothing
Nigeria (CAM) — Hundreds of thousands of Nigerian children can’t return to school this year.
Syria (MNN) — Church giving relief kits to Muslims fear attack…by Islamists?