Uganda (MNN) — Grandmothers taking on their AIDS-orphaned grandkids need help
Uganda (MNN) — Every Child Ministries adds hospital visitation to the holistic outreach in Uganda
Uganda (MNN) — The U.S. supports Uganda in the hunt for Joseph Kony
Congo-Kinshasa (MNN) — Ministry makes most of every opportunity in struggling nation
Uganda (MNN) — Cattle-herding group forced to move to cities is now severely ostracized and impoverished
Sudan (MNN) — Sudan raises a new flag and a new hope
Uganda (MNN) — Couple tackles ministry opportunities at opposite ends of the country
Ghana (MNN) — Team lands in Ghana to keep kids from being trafficked
International (MNN) — Four training sessions throughout the States and Africa get believers more involved in living the Gospel
Congo-Kinshasa (MNN) — One ministry’s end becomes a launch for another