Haiti (MNN) — Quake renews frustrations; ministry sees refugees from Port-au-Prince
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Haiti (MNN) — Quake renews frustrations; ministry sees refugees from Port-au-Prince
Japan (MNN) — Japan’s hope grows as the nation recovers from tragedy
Nepal (MNN) — Despite uncertainty, believers in Nepal will be bold
Germany (MNN) — Uncertain economy creates fertile fields for the seeds of the Gospel in Germany
Central Asia (MNN) — Christians bring the warmth of hope to Central Asia’s winter
South Asia (MNN) — ‘Jesus Wells’ bring safe water, Living Water to village
China (MNN) — China Partner confirms registered churches are having an impact on the Kingdom
Uganda (MNN) — A Ugandan school ministry grows despite dirt floors and grinding poverty
Costa Rica (MNN) — Church-planting the main focus for one ministry in Latin America
India (MNN) — Believers invest in India’s future