India (MNN) — Anti-conversion laws in northern India have escalated persecution of minority Christians over the past two years. Even so, God is growing the Church by means of social media.
International (MNN) — Pestilence and wars serve as wake-up calls to the Body of Christ.
International (MNN) — Millennials disagree on the role of evangelism in the Christian faith.
Excerpt: Africa (MNN) – World Missionary Press has a long history of spreading the Gospel in Africa. Now, they’re doing even more.
USA (MNN) — The church benefitted from e3 Partners training.
Ukraine (MNN) — Russia’s invasion of Ukraine meant an interruption in education for thousands of kids.
Tunisia (MNN) — Tunisia holds a small Church with about 500 people.
International (MNN) — Chronological Bible Translation and Oral Bible Translation help nonbelievers understand Scripture.
Gaza Strip (MNN) — You never know what reaching one person for Christ can do.