USA (MNN) — The JESUS Film project nearing the 1,000 translation mark, dozens of translations in process.
India (MNN) — As bitter rivals work to forge peace between India and Pakistan, new ministry occurs.
International (MNN) — OM LUKE has new name to reflect their new focus.
India (MNN) — Asian Access trained church leaders are reaching out to call center employees in India.
India (MNN) — Business leaders in India spur Kingdom-minded outreach growth.
Prague (MNN) — Media technology opens new doors for evangelism in Croatia, Bulgaria, and Moldova.
Bolivia (MNN) — Christians refocus efforts on relief but evangelism still first priority.
Sudan (MNN) — Fire disrupts class at Sudanese ministry training center.
Central Asia (MNN) –Partnership helps provide hope to disabled orphans in Central Asia.
Eritrea (MNN) — Ministry notes the death of another Eritrean Christian in jail.