Ghana (MNN) — Committed Christian college students are breaking the cycle of poverty in Ghana
USA (MNN) — Ministry team launches emergency rapid-response team to combat suicide epidemic on Native American reservation
Iran (MNN) — SAT-7 Pars and Joni Eareckson Tada bring hope to crisis-ridden Iran
China (MNN) — Two businesses closed and one visa revoked as a result of Christian association
Ecuador (MNN) — Ministry hopes to reach at least 30,000 people through Bible Marathon
Malawi (MNN) — Malawi sees plentiful harvest both spiritually and physically
USA (MNN) — Youth evangelizing youth brings ‘one God-night after another’ in Native American tribes
Zambia (MNN) — Every Orphan’s Hope looking to make a difference, one child at a time
Turkey (MNN) — IN Network says the U.S. House Committee vote will increase pressure on evangelical ministry in Turkey
Turkey (MNN) — Resolution results in tense U.S.-Turkey relations, may spill over into Turkish Christian Community