Europe (MNN) — EU adopts religious freedom guidelines; it’s a wait-and-see for Christians.
Europe (MNN) — EU adopts religious freedom guidelines; it’s a wait-and-see for Christians.
Europe (MNN) — EU adopts religious freedom guidelines; it’s a wait-and-see for Christians.
Russia (MNN) — Churches included in extensive search for foreign-funded ‘meddlers’
Turkey (MNN) — Religious freedom decision could determine fate of Turkey
Greece (MNN) — A Euro Zone exit will hurt Greece, but could be a relief for EU, ministries
Turkey (MNN) — New French president could be Turkey’s boost into the European Union
Burma (MNN) — The European Union to lift sanctions for one year as Burma continues toward democracy
Greece (MNN) — Austerity measures lead to protests, wage cuts, job cuts in Greece
Europe (MNN) — Greece’s financial crisis leads to official talks of stricter EU treaty
Greece (MNN) — 24-hour strike reflects ongoing frustration, spiritual openness