Lebanon (MNN) — Syrian refugees in Lebanon seem to be caught in a chess game where checkmate looms in multiple directions.
Lebanon (MNN) — Syrian refugees in Lebanon seem to be caught in a chess game where checkmate looms in multiple directions.
Lebanon (MNN) — Europe and the Middle East play ping pong with Syrian refugees.
Poland/Ukraine (MNN) — SGA is helping Polish churches send aid into Ukraine.
Turkey (MNN) — These refugees often flee from warzones in Syria and Afghanistan.
Tigray (MNN) — Civil war has raged for months, displacing over 2 million people.
Turkey (MNN) — These refugees often flee from war zones in Syria and Afghanistan.
Belarus (MNN) — Last month, Belarus grounded a Lithuanian flight in order to arrest a journalist.
Palestine (MNN) — On July 1st, Israel was set to annex more land from the West Bank. However, the day and the whole month passed without an announcement. What happened?
Greece (MNN) — Aegean locals are tiring of refugees from Turkey, but the migration doesn’t look to be stopping any time soon.
Europe (MNN) — God moving among Muslim refugees despite mixed responses to need