Ukraine (MNN) — Russian advances may have slowed, but the Ukraine crisis is far from over.
Ukraine (MNN) — Russian advances may have slowed, but the Ukraine crisis is far from over.
Russia/Belarus (MNN) — Russian Christians help refugees from Ukraine in practical ways, like providing food and shelter.
Ukraine (MNN) — Russian officials have denied any intention to invade Ukraine.
International (MNN) — Details about the Omicron variant and its effects are not yet fully known.
Europe (CAM) — Local missionaries share the Gospel with Muslims who were once inaccessible.
Russia (MNN) — Last week, the country hit nearly 1,000 deaths per day.
Afghanistan (MNN) — The Taliban will allow women to learn in classrooms, but not alongside men.
Poland (MNN) — World Missionary Press fueling evangelism in Europe.
Iran (MNN) — Many migrate to Turkey, or even farther into Europe.
Europe (MNN) — People are hungry for hope. Send them the Bread of Life through World Missionary Press.