Ethiopia (MNN) — Demand for “JESUS” film explodes among Ethiopian women
Ethiopia (MNN) — Demand for “JESUS” film explodes among Ethiopian women
Ethiopia (MNN) — A medical ministry spotlights partnership in Ethiopia
Ethiopia (MNN) — Ethiopian government uncovers extremist group propaganda to bring in Sharia law
Ethiopia (MNN) — Lifewater International providing physical and spiritual hope
East Africa (MNN) — Rains worsen famine problems in the Horn of Africa
Kenya (MNN) — Despite security concerns, ministry team undeterred in relief area
Kenya (MNN) — Drought crisis worsens, spreads famine
Ethiopia (MNN) — Conference encourages pastors to unity in midst of famine and persecution
Africa (MNN) — Ministry response to humanitarian crisis in Horn of Africa
Kenya (MNN) — Deadly Africa drought has yet to peak