India (MNN) — BJP loss forces PM Modi to return to coalition politics for the first time in a decade.
India (MNN) — India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi wins third term in office, securing another five years of Hindu nationalist rule.
India (MNN) — Election officials across India are counting a historic 642 million votes today.
Iran (MNN) — The election to fill president vacancy will be June 28.
India (MNN) — Indian Christians are faithful to the Gospel amidst a turbulent election season.
Algeria (MNN) — Since 2019, Algeria’s government has shut down more than forty churches. Yet Algeria’s capital-C Church is far from crushed.
Russia (MNN) — In a politically tense season, Russian believers persevere under pressure, and God preserves His Church.
Iran (MNN) — As the hope of Jesus spreads in Iran, so too does new persecution.
Taiwan (MNN) — Tensions between China and Taiwan continue to play out after elections.
Pakistan (MNN) — Pakistan’s general election today comes after recent violence.