India (MNN) — Christians targeted in the run-up to national elections.
India (MNN) — Christians targeted in the run-up to national elections.
India (MNN) — Christians targeted in the run-up to national elections.
Tunisia (MNN) — Islamist party in Tunisia steps down; points to elections.
Zimbabwe (MNN) — Elections alleged “huge farce” by Prime Minister; churches stepping up.
Mozambique (MNN) — Violence from Renamo guerillas echo civil war history.
Zimbabwe (MNN) — Economic nose-dive has resources scarce; pastoral conference providing assets
Malaysia (MNN) — ‘Allah’ ruling could cause trouble for Christ-followers
Nigeria (MNN) — 2012 marks Boko Haram’s bloodiest year; over 750 killed
USA (ODM/MNN) — Clock ticking for gridlocked Senate bill to create Religious Freedom Envoy