Lebanon (MNN) — Christians relieved as Hezobollah’s challenge fails in Lebanon
Lebanon (MNN) — Christians relieved as Hezobollah’s challenge fails in Lebanon
Iran (MNN) — Two women imprisoned for apostasy; presidential election unlikely to change their fate
Ecuador (MNN) — While Ecuador has a new constitution, HCJB Global unites the church
Sudan (MNN) — Sudan begins careful walk toward post-war polls
Zimbabwe (MNN) — Zimbabwe election moves country toward instability
Zimbabwe (MNN) — Zimbabwe hovers between political anarchy and instability
Kenya (MNN) — Pastor Munyambu practices aggressive forgiveness
Zimbabwe (MNN) — With tensions mounting, missionaries in Zimbabwe make a call to prayer
Nepal (MNN) — First vote in nine years draws huge response, Christians are praying
Zimbabwe (MNN) — Believers respond to state of flux in Zimbabwe