Pakistan (MNN) — Shari Baloch is the first female suicide bomber for the Baloch Liberation Army (BLA).
Pakistan (MNN) — Shari Baloch is the first female suicide bomber for the Baloch Liberation Army (BLA).
Ukraine (MNN) — The Russian invasion of Ukraine sent five million refugees spilling out across Europe.
Lebanon (MNN) — On May 15, Lebanon will hold general elections.
Lebanon (MNN) — For over a decade, LSESD’s SKILD program has supported children with special needs in Lebanon.
Afghanistan (MNN) — The organization prevented teenage girls from attending secondary school.
Sri Lanka (MNN) — They threatened the pastor with death if the worship service did not stop.
Afghanistan (MNN) — Girls currently attending school must wear full burqas and be taught by female teachers.
Uganda (MNN) — By mobilizing teachers to visit students at home, Set Free Ministries helped prevent abuse in many cases.
India (MNN) — Adult Literacy Classes offer education skills and Gospel opportunities.
Lebanon (MNN) — SAT-7 will bring the primary education program My School to Syrian refugee students.