Uganda (MNN) — Children from a new sponsorship project share their excitment
Uganda (MNN) — Children from a new sponsorship project share their excitment
India (MNN) — Believers continue working amidst rising tensions in India
Dominican Republic (MNN) — Unemployment won’t stymy a ministry in the Dominican Republic
USA/Mexico (MNN) — Border towns are “a whole ‘nother country” in need
Uganda (MNN) — Education available, sponsors help the neediest kids enroll
USA (MNN) — Classes begin at a new college for the developmentally disabled
Latin America (MNN) — Christian schools need teams to help finish construction projects
Colombia (MNN) — Christian education brings hope to a displaced community
Central Asia (MNN) — Bible translation hampered by lack of teachers for missionary kids
United States (MNN) — InterVarsity Christian Fellowship trains new staff for U.S. campus ministry