South Asia (MNN) — College students save elementary students from risk of blindness
South Asia (MNN) — College students save elementary students from risk of blindness
Cameroon (MNN) — Mission team fights HIV with education and God’s love
Mozambique (MNN) — New community center opens doors among unreached Muslim people
International (MNN) — Voice Partners ministry gets others involved to give the suffering a voice
India (MNN) — Kids are sentenced to life in the slums–unless they can get an education
Kenya (MNN) — Kids in poverty are ecstatic to receive shoes and love from mission team
Cambodia (MNN) — Cambodian women see results from hygiene and livelihood training in sponsorship program
Kenya (MNN) — The International Day of the African Child brings awareness and hope
Uganda (MNN) — The dream becomes a reality for Upendo Christian School
Zambia (MNN) — Single family and friends shoulder a school project in Zambia