Mozambique (MNN) — This Easter, $20 could mean medicine for AIDS victims in Mozambique
Mozambique (MNN) — This Easter, $20 could mean medicine for AIDS victims in Mozambique
Haiti (MNN) — Sixth grade program must be added to Kids Alive school for fifth graders to continue next year
Uganda (MNN) — A Ugandan school ministry grows despite dirt floors and grinding poverty
International (MNN) — MOBs bring hope and a future to developing nations
Uganda (MNN) — New block press to build more schools faster…but there’s a catch
Nicaragua (MNN) — Ministry makes presence stronger after flooding hits project areas
Paraguay (MNN) — 10-year-old school now keeping 850 students off the streets, out of poverty
Colombia (MNN) — Vulnerable women and children left in the wake of Colombia’s drug cartels
Uganda (MNN) — Discipleship ministry to girls addresses drop-out rate
Uganda (MNN) — Kids settled into new home, school starting for AMG’s new Upendo