Lebanon (MNN) — “We could see the flicker in her eyes, the excitement in her life…”
Lebanon (MNN) — “We could see the flicker in her eyes, the excitement in her life…”
Burkina Faso (MNN) — Support needed for school housing students ahead of academic year.
International (MNN) — Child protection is a foundation that every church, ministry and organization should press after with humility.
Burkina Faso (MNN) — CWO’s medical clinic and educational outreach have been impacted.
India (MNN) — For adults trapped in poverty, reading and writing skills can transform their hearts and lives!
India (MNN) — A special group of students in India are about to celebrate the completion of their first-ever school year.
Kenya (MNN) — The new school will be named after Dave and Joy Mueller.
Haiti (MNN) — All eyes are on the launch of security mission in Haiti.
Kenya (MNN) — Kenya Hope offers specific prayer needs.
Lebanon (MNN) — Ongoing refugee camp raids in Lebanon have forced one Christian school to shut its doors.