(MENA) MNN — SAT-7 provides kid-friendly education in Arabic language during quarantine
(MENA) MNN — SAT-7 provides kid-friendly education in Arabic language during quarantine
MENA (MNN) — SAT-7 provides essential programming for quarantined individuals in MENA.
Kenya (MNN) — Radical Islamic threats are draining the brain (and the Christianity) from the northern part of Kenya bordering Somalia
Spain (MNN) — Moroccans are the largest foreign community living in Spain
Iran (MNN) — As Iran deals with the coronavirus, SAT-7 is providing programming to help inform people and ease their fears about the disease.
India (MNN) — You can help former devadasis like Haida through Mission India!
International (MNN) — Ministry meets urgent education needs in unconventional ways
Lebanon (MNN) — Education brings H.O.P.E. to Syrian refugee children in Lebanon.
Middle East (MNN) — A shocking number of refugee kids are still out of school
Kenya (MNN) — Sanitary products restore dignity to schoolgirls, open spiritual doors