Venezuela (MNN) — Believers stay put despite rising difficulties
Venezuela (MNN) — Believers stay put despite rising difficulties
Venezuela (MNN) — Sharing hope to a starving nation is a difficult task
USA (MNN) — Fiscal cliff avoided, perfect storm ahead
USA (MNN) — U.S. fiscal cliff carries serious consequences for world’s poor
Greece (MNN) — A Euro Zone exit will hurt Greece, but could be a relief for EU, ministries
Greece (MNN) — OM provides food for desperate people in Greece
Italy (MNN) — Earthquake, bombing amid economic crisis cause displacement, death, and fear
Greece (MNN) — Ministry plans for television Web site to bring hope to a hurting Greece
Greece (MNN) — Belt tightening in Greece has a ministry feeling the pinch
Guatemala (MNN) — A medical mission team in the U.S. provides physical and spiritual hope to many