Sri Lanka (MNN) — Two months after bombings, Sri Lankan pastor shares his story
Sri Lanka (MNN) — Two months after bombings, Sri Lankan pastor shares his story
Russia (MNN) — SOAR partners with churches to teach children about God’s Word…
Russia (MNN) — Disadvantaged children received Easter gifts this year
Sri Lanka (MNN) — Sri Lanka remains in a state of unrest, will you pray?
Pakistan (MNN) — Jesus warned His followers that persecution would come
North America (MNN) — Who is Jesus? World Missionary Press has a booklet for that.
Ukraine (MNN) — Help SGA support Easter outreach in the former Soviet Union
Canada (MNN) — Christian persecution is on the rise
Russia (MNN) — “May we not stop our prayers. May we increase them.”
USA (MNN) — Join a 50-day prayer journey for the Deaf!