East Africa (MNN) — It’s the region’s worst drought in 40 years.
East Africa (MNN) — It’s the region’s worst drought in 40 years.
East Africa (MNN) — Christianity is growing in East Africa – even secretly in places like Somalia and Sudan.
Ethiopia (MNN) — World Missionary Press fills container with millions of Scripture booklets in two Ethiopian languages.
Kenya (MNN) — For the third year in a row, rural Kenyans have no food and no money.
Uganda (MNN) — By mobilizing teachers to visit students at home, Set Free Ministries helped prevent abuse in many cases.
Uganda (MNN) — Set Free Ministries cares for thousands of vulnerable kids in East Africa through Impact Sites.
Ethiopia (MNN) — New Gospel opportunities have emerged in Ethiopia.
Ethiopia (MNN) — Rebels approach the capital; Ethiopia’s Prime Minister heads to the battlefield.
Uganda (MNN) — Is East Africa the next “hotspot” of persecution?
Zambia (MNN) — “God is moving, and there’s more work to be done.”