Morocco (MNN) — Government aid has been slow reaching the quake zones.
Morocco (MNN) — Government aid has been slow reaching the quake zones.
Morocco (MNN) — Tifaouin Ministry sends help to stranded families.
Syria (MNN) — MENA Leadership Center offers mental health aid after devastating earthquakes.
Afghanistan (MNN) — Many people live in brick houses without reliable internet or paved roads.
Turkiye (MNN) — Christians persisting with earthquake aid are making a difference.
Turkiye (MNN) — Quake survivors struggle as water and electricity repayments start.
Turkiye (MNN) — Quake recovery is opening Gospel conversations with Muslims.
Syria (MNN) — Hope is in short supply for Syrians. Could things be changing?
Turkiye (MNN) — Christians are being Gospel ambassadors in tense election season.
Iran/Syria (MNN) — Transformation in the Middle East won’t happen through political powers alone.