Turkey (MNN) — Ministry provides immediate help in new quake in Eastern Turkey
Turkey (MNN) — Ministry provides immediate help in new quake in Eastern Turkey
Japan (MNN) — Physical cleanup has gone quickly in Japan; emotional rebuild to take years
Turkey (MNN) — Turkish pastor encourages believers to send help, not heaven
Turkey (MNN) — Call for unity arises from spectre of Turkey’s quake
Turkey (MNN) — Death toll rises as aid arrives in Turkey’s quake zone
Turkey (MNN) — Magnitude 7.2 quake hits Turkey, causes devastation
Asia (MNN) — The Sikkim earthquake damage worse than reported
India (MNN) — Gospel for Asia missionary dies in earthquake, others injured
Japan (MNN) — Ministry rejoices over success, recognizes ongoing need on tsunami anniversary
Haiti (MNN) — Hurricane season puts pressure on construction of new Haitian orphanage