International (MNN) — ‘I Am Second’ helps struggling individuals and stresses Christian community
Israel (MNN) — Fatah congress looks to determine future of West Bank; true peace of Christ preached to Jews and Arabs
Middle East (MNN) — Palestinian Christians threatened by terrorism
Iraq (MNN) — Ministry finds papal address to Mideast Christians timely
Middle East (MNN) — E3 Partners work says more Muslims are turning to Christ in the Middle East
Bolivia (MNN) — Ministry lays groundwork for nation at a crossroad
Israel (MNN) — Sharia law on top of Israeli/Hamas violence makes life more difficult for Christians
Israel (MNN) — Middle East conflict and Muslim disenchantment is empowering the Gospel message
Sudan (MNN) — A pastor continues cultivating church planting ministry in Sudan
Sudan (MNN) — E3 Partners says Sudanese believers are taking ownership in ministry