International (MNN) — The Great Commission reminds us that being a Christian comes with certain responsibilities – like making disciples.
International (MNN) — The Great Commission reminds us that being a Christian comes with certain responsibilities – like making disciples.
International (MNN) — Quality trumps speed in translation efforts.
Europe (MNN) — Europe isn’t the only place where sign language Scripture is unavailable.
International (MNN) — The SLTT enables Deaf Christians to reach the world’s unreached Deaf communities.
International (MNN) — Less than two percent of the global Deaf population knows Jesus, making the Deaf one of the world’s largest unreached people groups.
Middle East (MNN) — Less than two percent of Deaf people in the Middle East know Jesus.
International (MNN) — New tool helps eradicate Bible poverty among the Deaf.
International (MNN) — Similarities between Deaf and oral communities allow oral Bible translation techniques to fuel Deaf ministry.
Egypt (MNN) — An Egyptian app developer wants to bridge the communication gap between hearing and Deaf communities.
Ukraine (MNN) — As the war churns on, God is moving among the Deaf in Ukraine.