Syria (MNN) — Turkey, Syria, and Russia foreign ministers’ meeting could happen this week.
Syria (MNN) — Turkey, Syria, and Russia foreign ministers’ meeting could happen this week.
International (MNN) — An estimated 16 million refugees live in the Greater Middle East.
Central Africa Republic (MNN) — Increasing violence pushes CAR back into USCIRF spotlight.
International (MNN) — Millions of women and children fleeing conflict make ideal targets.
Afghanistan (MNN) — Global leaders and Afghanistan’s neighbors hold a two-day, high-stakes meeting to answer the question: “What now?”
Burkina Faso (MNN) — New report calls attention to West Africa crisis.
Mali (MNN) — Tension mounts as Mali talks continue.
Middle East (MNN) — More than just white noise; a call for prayer perseverance
Syria (MNN) — Ongoing violence displaces millions in Syria; churches urged to step up
Pakistan (MNN) — Flooding damage reaches millions of people, thousands of schools; OM responds