Kenya (MNN) — Kenyan Christians are representing the Gospel in flood-impacted areas.
Kenya (MNN) — Kenyan Christians are representing the Gospel in flood-impacted areas.
India (MNN) — Mission India ministry partner recently visited Manipur.
International (MNN) — For many Christians in the world today, survival sometimes puts ministry on hold.
Sudan (MNN) — When it’s a struggle to find daily food, ministry projects often have to take a back seat. Bible translators who have fled Sudan need wisdom for what ministry looks like now.
Lebanon (MNN) – As ceasefire negotiations continue for the Israel-Lebanon border, Thimar-LSESD serves the displaced.
Democratic Republic of the Congo (MNN) — Conflicts in the city of Sake in the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s North Kivu province have displaced more than 144,000 people since February 7.
Sudan (MNN) — Ministry while on the run from war shows that these Bible translators are utterly convinced their work matters.
Lebanon (MNN) — Increasing conflicts in the Middle East are affecting gospel ministry in Lebanon.
Ukraine (MNN) — SGA connects with churches distributing aid and the Gospel.
Egypt (MNN) — SAT-7 recently interviewed a Gaza refugee family in Egypt.