India (MNN) — Social outcasts ‘get to know Jesus’ and find new life
India (MNN) — Social outcasts ‘get to know Jesus’ and find new life
South Korea (MNN) — Voice of China and Asia needs funding to refurbish children’s home
Ukraine (MNN) — Deadline quickly approaching for disabled ministry to the Ukraine, says GAIN USA
Ukraine (MNN) — Global Aid Network to help disabled; teams forming now
Ukraine (MNN) — A wheelchair brings smiles and hope to Ukraine
USA (MNN) — Tremendous growth at Shepherds College
Zambia (MNN) — Mobile clinics discontinued for lack of funds, making it difficult to reach the most needy people
Zambia (MNN) — Special wheelchairs open up opportunities for people who have lost limbs
USA (MNN) — Innovative products help subsidize Shepherds Ministries and open doors to proclaim Christ
USA (MNN) — Shepherds College students finish the school’s first semester