Uganda (MNN) — TeachBeyond uses educational services rooted in a biblical worldview to impact teachers and students.
Democratic Republic of the Congo (MNN) — Conflicts in the city of Sake in the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s North Kivu province have displaced more than 144,000 people since February 7.
Congo-Kinshasa (MNN) — Gospel workers see growth and opportunity.
Congo-Kinshasa (MNN) — Terror goes by a three-letter name in central Africa: ADF.
DR Congo (MNN) — Deaf school and learning sign language open doors for Deaf kids.
Congo-Kinshasa (MNN) — Flash flooding devastated parts of the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo over the weekend.
Congo-Kinshasa (MNN) — Over 600 innocent people have lost their lives since the start of the year.
DRC (MNN) — Christians are fleeing, but God is not done with the story in east DRC.
Africa (MNN) — When missionaries must leave, Scripture booklets stay to continue the work.
USA (MNN) — Religious freedom sidelined during foreign policy summit.