Mongolia (MNN) — After parliamentary elections in June, last month local governments in Mongolia had their turn.
Mongolia (MNN) — After parliamentary elections in June, last month local governments in Mongolia had their turn.
India (MNN) — Indian Christians are faithful to the Gospel amidst a turbulent election season.
Mali (MNN) — Mali military delays general election for the second time.
Turkiye (MNN) — Christians are being Gospel ambassadors in tense election season.
China (MNN) — Tensions remain high as the U.S. promises to defend the island nation.
China (MNN) — Cardinal Joseph Zen, a former Bishop of Hong Kong, is 90 years old.
Turkey (MNN) — The government accused him of participating in an attempted coup in 2016.
Myanmar (MNN) — The military took her into custody during the February coup.
Guatemala (MNN) — Guatemala has tightened restrictions on gatherings in reaction to a new COVID-19 surge.
Myanmar (MNN) — The military in Myanmar has killed over 200 civilians since seizing power from the elected government.