Middle East (MNN) — “Many Deaf people, regardless of where they live, tend to think of religion as something that the Hearing culture does.”
International (MNN) — A closer look at the need for Deaf-led ministry.
International (MNN) — DOOR International equips Deaf believers to reach Deaf for Christ.
Angola/South Africa (MNN) — Deaf communities in Angola and South Africa will soon have a chance to know Jesus.
South Sudan (MNN) — DOOR International considers restarting food aid to alleviate need in Deaf communities.
International (MNN) — Deaf leaders create a platform for global ministry and networking.
International (MNN) — A new coalition holds promise for change in the global Deaf community.
International (MNN) — The new year brings exciting developments for DOOR International.
International (MNN) — Millions of Deaf people worldwide lack God’s Word in their heart sign language.
International (MNN) — New DOOR International development eases translation process.