USA (MNN) — Significant funds raised for sign language Bible distribution
USA (MNN) — Significant funds raised for sign language Bible distribution
International (MNN) — Deaf Bible Society needs prayer warriors
USA (MNN) — Here are a few tips to engage Deaf individuals with the Gospel this Christmas
USA (MNN) — Invite Deaf Bible Society to do Scripture engagement training at your church!
Uganda (MNN) — You can help get the Bible into Ugandan Sign Language!
USA (MNN) — By giving to Deaf Bible, you can fuel indigenous Deaf ministry in Uganda
USA (MNN) — Sign language devotionals on social media are reaching the Deaf
International (MNN) — Ministries collaborate to reach Deaf for Christ
USA (MNN) — Ministry raising funds to help Deaf affected by Harvey
Colombia (MNN) — The value of language when sharing God’s Word