International (MNN) — Thousands of languages around the world have no writing system.
Lebanon (MNN) — ABTS will offer an online residency program as COVID-19 precautions make the normal 2-week residency impossible.
International (MNN) — The coronavirus isn’t the only obstacle to North American missionaries, and Global Disciples believes it is time for a new approach.
Int’l (MNN) — World Mission tackles the Great Commission through national believers.
Int’l (MNN) — Spoken Worldwide takes a holistic approach to ministry.
International (MNN) — OM talks contexts where you can share Jesus
Jordan (MNN) — What do you think of when you hear the word “Arab”?
USA (MNN) — Less cultural influence does not change the Great Commission call
North Africa (MNN) — Christians can learn a lot from studying the early Church
USA (MNN) — Deaf and hearing Christians both should attend Deaf Celebration Expo of North Texas!