Middle East (MNN) — In the Middle East, Muslims who become Christians often feel isolated.
Middle East (MNN) — In the Middle East, Muslims who become Christians often feel isolated.
Lebanon (MNN) — As soon as Andrew arrived in Lebanon, he felt the unrest gripping the country.
Syria (MNN) — As different factions wage war over Syrian territory, a spiritual battle continues for Syrian hearts.
Lebanon (MNN) — As Lebanon crumbles, Syrian refugees weigh their options.
Syria (MNN) — It’s easy to think of Syria as the country of bad news, but the Holy Spirit is on the move, even during COVID-19.
Near East (MNN) — Prayer gatherings multiply as people seek Jesus.
International (MNN) — Why praying for Muslims can change more than one heart
Middle East North Africa (MNN) — Will you add this people group to your prayer list?