Malawi (MNN) — CBI campuses open in the midst of an attempted coup, leadership changeover, and economic crisis
Malawi (MNN) — CBI campuses open in the midst of an attempted coup, leadership changeover, and economic crisis
Honduras (MNN) — Prison conditions likely played part in deathly fire
International (MNN) — Book helps ex-offenders reenter society with godly work ethic
Guatemala/S. Africa (MNN) — Two new prison ministry satellite campuses introduced
USA (MNN) — Ex-prisoners could have the opportunity to vote in the next elections
United Kingdom (MNN) — London riots reflect spiritual atmosphere of UK, open doors of opportunity
International (MNN) — Prisoners cling to sanity, hope with help of ministry while in solitary confinement
Mexico (MNN) — Juarez violence still lethal, but new ministry introduces change
International (MNN) — Addiction serious issue for prisoners; CBI addresses it
International (MNN) — Crossroad Bible Institute delivers hope through Christmas Send-A-Card Program