USA (Crossroad Bible Institute/MNN) — A little bit of hope and encouragement can go a long way.
USA (Crossroad Bible Institute/MNN) — A little bit of hope and encouragement can go a long way.
USA (CBI) — Has God placed prison ministry on your heart?
Indonesia (CBI) — Crossroad Bible Institute expands outreach with new translation.
Malaysia (MNN) — CBI is giving hope to illiterate prisoners.
India (MNN) — Crossroad Bible Institute sees spiritual fruit in India’s prisons.
India (MNN) — Crossroad Bible Institute helps prisoners find hope.
USA (CBI) — Lolita Barthel has found joy in Christ and hope for freedom.
International (MNN) — A new leader takes the helm of Crossroad Bible Institute.
Papua New Guinea (MNN) — Prison ministry expands in PNG.
USA (MNN/CBI) — Some of the toughest challenges in prison are spiritual.