Similarities of destruction from hurricane Sandy are seen in Colorado’s recent floods
Similarities of destruction from hurricane Sandy are seen in Colorado’s recent floods
International (MNN) — Multiple crises + multiple response = fingerprints of God.
International (MNN) — Multiple crises + multiple reponse = fingerprints of God.
Syria (MNN) — TWR is providing hope Syrians who are suffering.
Syria (MNN) — TWR is providing hope for Syrians who are suffering.
Syria (FH) – Food for the Hungry linking arms with Syrian partners for outreach.
Syria (FH) — Food for the Hungry linking with partners for long-term outreach
Malawi (MNN) — If Mutharika doesn’t respond to fuel and Forex shortages, famine could result
USA (MNN) — Families needed to provide temporary loving homes for kids in crisis
Haiti (MNN) — Missionaries take matters into their own hands