International (MNN) — A transformed society starts with truly courageous men.
International (MNN) — A transformed society starts with truly courageous men.
International (MNN) — How can isolated Christian women in the Arabic-speaking world learn that they are not alone in their faith?
Ukraine (MNN) — Despite heavy fighting, he stayed behind to take care of those who cannot flee.
Lebanon (MNN) — Arab Baptist Theological Seminary remains equipped not only to continue classes online, but also to interact with the coronavirus is a uniquely Christians way.
USA (MNN) — Faith leader encourages believers to “be strong and courageous”
Nigeria (MNN) — In Nigeria, the violence towards Christians at the hands of Muslims continues, but Spoken Worldwide is training pastors anyway.
United Kingdom (MNN) — Brexit brings fear, but little changes to British life.
Sudan (MNN) — Sudanese woman is sentenced to death, but you can help.
India (MNN) — Extremists try to stop believers from sharing the Gospel with kids