Lebanon (MNN) — Believers seek ways to help vulnerable populations
Lebanon (MNN) — Believers seek ways to help vulnerable populations
Palestine (MNN) — Last Friday, Bethlehem Bible College’s spring semester came to a sudden stop as COVID-19 was discovered among tourists and the whole town was quarantined.
Iran (MNN) — A glimmer of hope emerges from Iran’s ticking coronavirus time bomb
Iran (MNN) — Coronavirus threat in Iran continues to grow.
Iran (MNN) — Gospel worker requests prayer as hardships multiply
Iran (MNN) — Dissatisfaction fuels underground Gospel growth
Japan (MNN) Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has closed schools in Japan through the month of March amid concerns about the upcoming Olympic Games.
Iran (MNN) — Countries have been closing their borders to Iran due to fear about the coronavirus COVID-19, and its throwing a wrench in ministry efforts tot he country.
China (MNN) — As China recovers from the coronavirus outbreak, Bibles for China looks to “Hit the ground running.”
International (MNN) — TWR speaks truth, not fear, into the Coronavirus epidemic.