Iran (MNN) — As the coronavirus crisis worsens in Iran, Christians are setting a practical example even as they offer the hope of Christ.
Iran (MNN) — As the coronavirus crisis worsens in Iran, Christians are setting a practical example even as they offer the hope of Christ.
USA (MNN) — Faith leader encourages believers to “be strong and courageous”
Lebanon (MNN) — Gospel work continues amid Lebanon’s lockdown
Iran (MNN) — Coronavirus hampers efforts to release God’s Word in Iran; leaders search for a work-around.
USA (MNN) — Working, parenting and teaching from home. The paradigm shift of COVID19.
USA (MNN) — InterVarsity USA leaders see missional opportunity in coronavirus crisis
Haiti (MNN) — Haiti has no coronavirus cases so far, but it has more than its share of hunger, conflict, and theft.
Italy (MNN) — COVID-19 has hit Italy very hard, and Operation Mobilization International is weathering the storm, hoping to see the country remade to the glory of Christ.
Lebanon (MNN) — Triumphant Mercy Lebanon is offering aid and hope in dual crises
Iran (MNN) — As Iran deals with the coronavirus, SAT-7 is providing programming to help inform people and ease their fears about the disease.