Philippines (CAM) — Government COVID-19 action the Philippines broadens fear; Christians bring hope and peace in their response.
Philippines (CAM) — Government COVID-19 action the Philippines broadens fear; Christians bring hope and peace in their response.
International (MNN) — E3 Partners plans virtual mission trips and other digital ministry as the COVID-19 pandemic prevents traditional overseas travel.
Belarus (MNN) — Orphanages suffer as the government of Belarus fails to prepare for a coronavirus outbreak.
Lebanon (MNN) — Abuse victims are vulnerable during COVID-19 lockdowns
USA (MNN) — InterVarsity moves ministry online after college campuses send students home to avoid COVID-19
India (MNN) — Help Mission India feed a family of four amidst COVID-19.
Nepal (MNN) — Lockdown spurs progress in new kids’ ministry effort.
Pakistan (MNN) — As religious minorities are denied food aid in Pakistan during COVID-19 lockdowns, the Church rallies to feed fellow Christians.
International (MNN) — Sign up for Frontiers USA’s 30-day Ramadan prayer guide!
Iraq (MNN) — Iraq has burned through two prime ministers in two months, and the third has the massive task of uniting a fragmented country during a pandemic.