Near East (MNN) — Prayer gatherings multiply as people seek Jesus.
Near East (MNN) — Prayer gatherings multiply as people seek Jesus.
Lebanon (MNN) — Officials declare four-day shutdown to keep COVID-19 at bay.
International (MNN) — How to pray with International Day for the Unreached approaching
Lebanon (MNN) — ABTS will offer an online residency program as COVID-19 precautions make the normal 2-week residency impossible.
Iran (MNN) — Iran suffers one calamity after another, but many Iranians are seeking Christ and even seeing visions of a “man in white.”
Kenya (MNN) — Kenya Hope meeting rural needs with soap, food, and Bibles
Sudan (MNN) — Millions of Sudanese Arabs have no access to Christ.
Palestine (MNN) — How the pandemic is affecting institutions like Bethlehem Bible College
International (MNN) — Higher rates of suicide seem to be an unintended consequence of the worldwide COVID-19 shelter-in-place orders.
Brazil (MNN) — Churches respond to pandemic through outreach programs