Pakistan (MNN) — Gospel worker describes alarming findings of nationwide study.
Pakistan (MNN) — Gospel worker describes alarming findings of nationwide study.
Thailand (MNN) — World Missionary Press is shipping one million Scripture booklets to Thailand
USA (MNN) — On Eagles’ Wings equips Native youth to share Christ with peers.
Nigeria (MNN) — “They have always worked as a terrorist group, but now they want to capture territory.”
USA (MNN) — With suicide trends in mind, Set Free Ministries adds outreach component to annual celebration.
Syria (MNN) — Encouraging updates from believers contrast the latest grim headlines.
India (MNN) — Pandemic update: India needs your prayers and support more than ever
International (MNN) — Christians in dangerous contexts face tough ministry decisions
India (MNN) — Mission India providing relief kits to flood victims
USA (MNN) — Four imperatives for Christians in the COVID-19 pandemic