Japan (MNN) — The pandemic has been hard on Japan’s group-oriented culture
Japan (MNN) — The pandemic has been hard on Japan’s group-oriented culture
Iran (MNN) — SAT-7 PARS invited Iranian kids to draw their dreams for the future
China (MNN) — Bibles for China wraps up 2020 ministry year with exciting Bible distribution
Lebanon (MNN) — Resurrection Church Beirut offers digital media ministry ideas.
East Africa (MNN) — Drought, floods, locusts, and disease plague East Africa; World Concern responds.
India (MNN) — Mission India just launched their biggest matching challenge ever.
Iraq (CAM/MNN) — Iraqi who escaped ISIS battles coronavirus
Lebanon (MNN) — Triumphant Mercy needs help to meet growing needs.
Lebanon (MNN) – Horizons International brings hope to Lebanon in the midst of a pandemic and explosion
International (MNN) — AMG International feeds the hungry in Jesus’ name.