Africa (MNN) — ICMS discovers most effective media form to reach East Africa
Africa (MNN) — ICMS discovers most effective media form to reach East Africa
Congo (MNN) — LRA attacks villages, MAF flies in aid and the Gospel
Congo-Kinshasa (MNN) — DR Congo moves toward peace; ministry team lays groundwork for rebuilding
Congo-Kinshasa (MNN) — Congo truce holds amid humanitarian concerns
Congo (MNN) — Food for the Hungry says outreach is affected by rebel violence in Congo
DR Congo (MNN) — MAF is flying in support of the thousands who are fleeing in Northern Congo
Congo (MNN) — Grace Ministries and Book of Hope are partnering in Congo
Congo (MNN) — Renewed Congo fighting hampers ministry work
Congo-Kinshasa (MNN) — Aid agencies begin response following quake in Congo