USA (MNN) — MAF says personnel needs are wide ranging as they reach the lost
USA (MNN) — MAF says personnel needs are wide ranging as they reach the lost
Uganda (MNN) — Couple tackles ministry opportunities at opposite ends of the country
D.R. Congo (MNN) — Congolese leaders celebrate 50 years of MAF service in Democratic Republic of the Congo
Congo-Kinshasa (MNN) — A written alphabet to lay foundation for Bible translation
D. R. Congo (MNN) — Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) is helping fight measles, avgas is running out
Dem. Republic of Congo (MNN) — MAF finance officer shares Christ on the ground
Haiti (MNN) — Christians in Congo set to reach out to Haitians, says Touch Global
International (MNN) — Threats and violence cause for concern as believers gather during the Advent Season
Congo-Kinsahsa (MNN) — Ministry offers key to restoration in war-ravaged Congo
International (MNN) — Ministry’s new executive director looks ahead to new year